Round 1 Parish Models
About the Planning Area Workbooks and Planning Area Parish Models
The Planning Area Workbooks are intended to summarize key sacramental, financial, and other data to aid in the discernment of parish structures for the Diocese of Peoria. We have endeavored to be as accurate as possible in collecting this data from parishes and the diocese and apologize for any errors or inaccuracies. The data in these reports reflect updated information that was provided by parishes and priests through May 9, 2023.
To provide updated parish data, please contact
The Planning Area Parish Models depict possible combinations of parishes which could come together either as a unified parish or as separate parishes under the leadership of a single pastor. As part of the Growing Disciples process, the diocese is seeking feedback on which parishes might fruitfully collaborate to advance Bishop Tylka’s “Five Foundations:”
Inspire discipleship in each baptized follower of Jesus.
Empower evangelization so as to share the saving name of Jesus.
Deepen our awareness of the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Strengthen vocations.
Continue the legacy of Archbishop Fulton Sheen.
The Planning Area Models are intended as “conversation starters” and will be augmented in future rounds of dialogue with options on building usage and canonical structure. Feedback from priests, deacons and parishioners has been and will be a critical part of the planning process.
If you have questions on the planning models, please contact