Growing Disciples By the Numbers
Total Population: 1,428,303
26 Counties
Percent of Population that is Catholic: 10.8%
156 parishes and 2 (missions/shrines)
There are 118 diocesan priests in active parish ministry in the Diocese of Peoria, and 43 retired priests. Including religious priests and priests from other dioceses, there are 145 priests serving in parishes in the Diocese of Peoria.
70% of the priests are over the age of 50.
In the next 10 years, we may have fewer than 100 active priests.
Currently, there are more parishes than diocesan priests serving in parishes.
Mass attendance is down 19% from 2011 – 2019, and then an additional 22% from 2019-2022. Infant Baptisms are down 27% since 2015/2016.
Funerals are down 10% since 2015/2016.
Catholic marriages are down 34% since 2015/2016.
Our baptism and marriage trends reflect the national landscape, as they are half of what they were 20 years ago.
Two years ago, Bishop Tylka initiated a process centered not upon the reality of decline, but rather a process of renewal seeking opportunities for growth.
Originating from listening sessions of his first two years serving as Coadjutor Bishop, the Bishop articulated five foundations on which to create a better, more vibrant Church: Evangelization, Discipleship, The Eucharist, Vocations and the legacy of Archbishop Fulton Sheen.
The Bishop enlisted the help of the Catholic Leadership Institute to guide the Growing Disciples process of assessing our current structure and discerning a more mission-driven sustainable structure for the future.
The Diocese compiles sacramental, financial and demographic statistics for every parish in the Diocese of Peoria.
Our Growing Disciples Core Team, Consultants, Priests, Curia Offices, Diocesan Planning Commission, and Key Parish Leaders provided opportunities for conversations, prayer and discerning. We gathered feedback from thousands of parishioners and community members.
The Growing Disciples Core Team created three consecutive and different draft models, building on feedback from the previous draft model.
The Presbyteral Council, as required by Church law, provided consultative input to the Bishop by reviewing all of the data pertaining to each parish.
Moving forward, the Diocese of Peoria will be reshaped from 156 parishes to 75 parishes with 129 worship sites. These parishes will be overseen by 71 diocesan and religious order pastors. These modifications include the merging of 12 parishes into neighboring parishes and 107 parishes being merged to create 38 new parishes.
All of our communities are asked to evaluate its schedule of Masses, its programs of pastoral care and evangelization Even in parishes where there is no change to the pastor or parish structure. Every parish is being challenged to be more intentional in cultivating disciples.
Implementation of these plans will begin July 1, 2024 and may continue through 2027.
156 parishes to 75 parishes with 127 worship sites
71 diocesan priests and religious order priests will serve as pastors, with many of them serving more than one parish
12 parishes will merge into neighboring parishes
107 parishes will merge together to create 38 new parishes
39 new priest assignments
Parish remains unchanged and current pastor/parochial vicar remain
Parish remains unchanged but pastor and/or parochial vicar changes
Parish merges into another parish and will share a pastor
Parish merges into another parish and pastor changes
Parishes served by multiple pastors are proposed to unite to form one new parish with one pastor