Come, Holy Spirit
As we celebrate the great Solemnity of Pentecost, we recall the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and the birth of the Church. The same Holy Spirit continues to be poured out upon the Church and upon us. Trusting in this Divine gift, I intentionally chose Pentecost as the day to announce the final decisions of our two-year Growing Disciples planning process.
I want to thank you for your participation, your feedback, and your advice which have helped me make these decisions. I ask for your continued prayers and cooperation as we work together to strengthen and renew our Diocese in this new apostolic age. Know that I pray for you daily. May the Holy Spirit bless all our efforts to Grow Disciples.
Venerable Archbishop Sheen - pray for us!
Pentecost Weekend
May 18-19, 2024
Bishop Lou announces his decision on new
parish structures for the Diocese of Peoria.
Implementation Process
Implementation of the new structures begins
and occurs over the following two years.